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Fran Guerrero

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Fran Guerrero
Fran Guerrero

Fran Guerrero is an Andalusian singer-songwriter who has just released his first album, "La delgado línea".

With his voice and his guitar he creates poetry, musical theater and carnival composition where is easy to see countless literary and musical influences that converge in his lyrics and melodies. Behind the sounds of the ten songs in this first album you can find the commitment of a libertarian message, which appeals to justice, to the joy of living, to peace and love.

These songs bring back ideals and causes of yesteryear, they sound like Andalusia, and evoke lifelong singer-songwriters. In their songs they will find Andalusian rock, pop, reggae, folk, rock, and a variety of sounds and styles.


  1. La delgada línea
  2. Puntos cardinales
  3. Si tuviera otro día
  4. Casi todo y jamás
  5. Soy tan pobre
  6. Hoy creo en ti
  7. Sencilleces
  8. Tierra madre
  9. El verano del amor
  10. Aquí huele a azufre

La delgada línea (Videoclip oficial)

Puntos cardinales (Videoclip oficial)


Fran Guerrero



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Fran Guerrero


There are many ways to make this a better world. We believe that the world is better with music, and we believe that music is better if you the artist are happy, unless you're a songwriter, right? :)

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